Agua Dulce Nursery in Agua Dulce, California, features many plants that thrive in cold desert climates. One popular example is the prickly pear cactus. This perennial, found in the American Southwest, withstands cold air and wintry precipitation.

The prickly pear grows to about three feet wide and 10 inches high, although some species can reach seven feet high. The plant features flat pads containing numerous barbs. In May and June, it displays bright yellow, red, and orange flowers. The blooms are later replaced with purple-red fruit that is a popular choice for preserves and candy.

The fruit of the prickly pears also has medicinal value. Some research claims the pectin in the fruit lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol. Other studies indicate the pectin helps reduce the need for insulin. However, confirming these findings requires further research.

This cactus does best in an environment with lots of sun and sandy or rocky soil. Gardeners have found it looks best in stone walls or rock gardens.

About the author: Operated by Brent Duplessis, Agua Dulce Nursery specializes in indigenous plants, landscaping of all kinds, and maintenance.